Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA)

Introduction of the VSLA model as a means to promote financial inclusion and economic empowerment within the Fulbe community.

Emphasis was placed on savings, access to credit, and fostering a culture of collective financial responsibility.

Participants were encouraged to form groups and leverage the benefits of VSLA for livelihood improvements.

Child Welfare

Discussions focused on improving access to education for Fulbe children, highlighting the importance of enrolling children in schools.

Barriers to school enrollment, such as cultural perceptions and economic challenges, were identified and addressed.

Recommendations included collaboration with local authorities to establish culturally sensitive programs and ensuring financial support for disadvantaged families.

Outcomes and Recommendations

The community expressed interest in forming VSLAs and requested further training on its management.

A commitment was made to support the Fulbe community in mobilizing resources to ensure sustained participation in VSLAs.

Advocacy efforts were initiated to engage community leaders in promoting school enrollment for Fulbe children.

Follow-up meetings were proposed to monitor progress on VSLA formation and child welfare interventions.


The engagement successfully highlighted the benefits of VSLAs and the importance of child welfare, particularly education. Collaborative efforts between Opportunity International, community development agencies, and the Fulbe community are crucial for achieving the set objectives.


  1. Opportunity International (Lead Implementer)
  2. Regional Director for Community Development
  3. Social Welfare and Community Development Department, NDA

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