Agriculture Local News
The Sustainable Agricultural Development Program (SADP) is proud to announce an ongoing compost preparation training [...]
Local News Social Development
Introduction of the VSLA model as a means to promote financial inclusion and economic empowerment [...]
A vibrant and well-attended share-out ceremony was held in Nyamandu for two Village Savings and [...]
Environmental Health Health Local News Social Development
Community Health Fairs are community-based events designed to promote health and wellness, increase access to [...]
Environmental Health Health Local News
An impactful Stakeholders Engagement on En-WASH (Environmental, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) took place at the [...]
On the 8th October 2024, a significant Regional Town Hall meeting was held at the [...]
Ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all members of society, especially marginalized groups such as [...]
The Shakpaligu community, located in the Nanton District of Northern Ghana, faces several socio-economic challenges, [...]
The protection and promotion of children’s rights are vital aspects of any community’s development and [...]
On September 3rd, 2024, the Nanton District Assembly convened for its First Ordinary Meeting. The [...]
The Nanton District Assembly recently held a critical workshop as part of the ongoing USAID/Ghana [...]
In recent years, climate change has increasingly posed challenges to agricultural communities around the world, [...]
The USAID Accelerated Social Behavior Change (ASBC) Activity has become a catalyst for positive behavior [...]
The Nanton District Assembly’s Spatial Planning Committee recently convened to review and deliberate on a [...]
Recently, the President of GLOBAL COMMUNITIES paid an insightful visit to the Nanton District to [...]
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